Hello everyone!
Thank you for signing up for the 6th annual Imagine You conference! In the setting of the pandemic, we will be virtual this year, which provides an opportunity for people from all over to participate! We can't wait to see how many cities we have reached through this conference!
**Note: We still have plenty of space available...Invite a friend or family member to join us! People may register on our website**
The Details:
-What: Imagine You conference for middle and high school girls. Since it's the summer, rising middle school and recently graduated high school girls can participate!
-When: Saturday, June 5th
-Where: Virtual, Via Zoom: Link and ID/Password below
Gather between 8:00 - 8:20 am
Opening Remarks: 8:30 am
Closing remarks and give-a-ways will be completed by 12:30 pm
-Price: FREE!
1. Empowered for Greatness: This is a part of our career development curriculum: Participants will learn about selecting majors and applying for college. They will also gain some virtual interview tips since this has become our "new normal". instructors: Rebekah Adderley and Consuela Hawkins
2. Quarantine Fashion: This is a part of our personal development curriculum: Participants will learn the importance of self love through their appearance. They will gain some fashion tips and discuss different outfits to wear for different activities like interviews, prom/homecoming, outings with friends, etc. They will also be able to show their outfits they'd use for different settings if they choose. Instructors: LaTosha Johnson and Islee Rogers
3. Mental Mindfulness: This is a part of our health and wellness curriculum: Participants will learn how mental health impacts their daily lives. They'll also learn signs to look out for in themselves or others that lets them know help is needed. They will also learn about age appropriate use of social media and how it can be used to uplift others.
4. TikTok Fun: This session is a part of our health/wellness curriculum: Participants will engage in some physical activity through dance! They will learn a short (and very cute/age appropriate) TikTok dance that they will all record at the end together.
-Pictures and videos are taken of the conference and used for memories, advertisement and to also show our donors the activities the girls participated in with the help of their sponsorship.
-We share the pictures and videos on our official Facebook (Sims Foundation of HOPE) and Instagram (@simsfoundationofhope) accounts as well as our personal pages. We encourage the girls to take pictures to post to their personal accounts as well. Please use the hashtag #ImagineYou2021 so that we can all see the fun memories we've made!
-For those who have asked for more information related to media, you'll be getting a call from me to discuss.
Prizes and Conference bags/water bottles
-I mailed a conference bag and water bottle to everyone that I have mailing addresses for on May 29th and June 1st. Due to COVID, shipping times are longer than normal. Please be on the look out! If you have not provided your address just yet, you are welcome to respond to this email with your address. For those of you who signed up with a group, I mailed the package to the leader of the group who will distribute your packages. The Final Shipment will go out around June 12th.
-We will also be giving out small prizes for everyone and a few grand prizes. We can't wait to see who will be the winners of the 4 Chromebooks! These will be purchased online after the conference and shipped directly to the 4 winners.
Please feel free to contact me with questions!
Zoom Info Here:
Topic: Imagine You Virtual Conference
Time: Jun 5, 2021 08:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 913 735 3717
Passcode: ImagineYou
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Meeting ID: 913 735 3717
Passcode: 7321315141
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abA474h6de
Jaleen Sims, MD, MPH
Vice-President, Sims Foundation of HOPE
Imagine You Conference Founder
C: 316-371-9291
W: 913-735-3717
E: simsfoundationofhope.com
W: http://www.simsfoundationofhope.com Register for our Imagine You day Virtual Conference Today!